Racing to break the cycle, White Ribbon 2018

Commissioner Ian Stewart, the Honourable Mark Ryan, MP, Inspector Lynn Asher from East Gateway Patrol Group, Chevonne Arrowsmith, President of Life Cycle and Tim Classuliff, White Ribbon Ambassador and member of Life Cycle along with one of our police puppies from the ‘P’ litter.
On Sunday November 18, the QPS and Nundah Life Cycle jointly hosted a community White Ribbon event.
Approximately 210 keen cyclists were escorted by QPS motorcycles from the City to Albert Bishop Park in Nundah, as part of the event.
Once they arrived in Nundah, the day consisted of riding on the track and numerous guest presenters, speaking about White Ribbon Day which is a male-led movement to end men’s violence against women.
Some of the speakers including the Honourable Mark Ryan, Minister for Police and Minister for Corrective Services, Dr Anthony Lynham, Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Evergy, Ms Leanne Linard MP and member for Nudgee and Commissioner

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