Recent scams impacting North Brisbane residents

Boondall Police Station Officer in Charge, Senior Sergeant Houston, is urging all Northside residents to be aware of  scams which have resulted in victims being defrauded by tens of thousands of dollars.
In these most recent incidents, the scammers have contacted the victims by mobile phone and have stated they were calling from the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and that they owe significant amounts of money.
This type of scam varies slightly from case to case and in some instances the scammers simply leave a phone message asking you to call them back.
In others they speak directly with the victims and the scammers usually indicate the victim has money owing to the ATO. In many cases, the scammer threatens the call taker with an arrest warrant if they do not pay, using intimidation techniques to instil fear in the victim.
During the telephone conversation the scammers request you purchase gift cards and they

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