Rideables – brush up on the rules

Keep up with the rules!
Over the past few months you would have noticed a steady rise in the number of people taking advantage of personal mobility devices such as e-scooters.
While rideables make it easier to travel around the Brisbane CBD and surrounding suburbs, it is important to remember that you must comply with Queensland Government rules when using mobility devices.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has launched a new Rideable Rules campaign to educate the community about their responsibilities when using a mobility device.
The main rules to keep in mind are:

Be at least 16 years of age, or 12 with adult supervision
Wear an approved bicycle helmet, that is securely fitted, at all times (unless an exemption has been granted for medical or religious reasons)
Not carry passengers
Not use a mobile device
Not drink and ride
Have a working flashing or steady white light on the front, and a red light and reflector at

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