Road Safety Week: Remembering Ride Safely 4 me

Senior Sergeant Ian Park – Ride Safely 4 Me
Almost three years ago Senior Sergeant Ian Park shared his story of losing a friend on our roads as a result of a motorcycle accident.
For those of you who don’t remember on Boxing Day 2015, Senior Sergeant Park, or Parkie, as he’s known at work, went to the scene of a motorcycle accident in which he later discover the person killed was the husband of a close friend.
You can find the original story here.
Since then, Senior Sergeant Park has shared this experience to educate and urge all road users to drive safely on the road.
Today is the last day of Queensland Road Safety Week and the focus is on motorcycle safety. In 2017, 50 motorcyclists died and 953 were hurt or seriously injured in crashes on Queensland roads.
Today and on all days we emphasise the importance of the #ridesafely4me message:

Respect the roads. Respect

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