Secure your motor vehicle this weekend

As we continue to have motor vehicles stolen and broken into, police are looking for local residents to get on board and give them a hand in combating these offences.
There are very simple and inexpensive security measures that residents can employ to make sure that they are less likely to be a victim of property crime.
One of these security measures is to fit your number plates with anti theft screws. The screws make stealing of number plates a lot more difficult.
Police and  NHW groups will be at Taigum Square Shopping Centre to fit the screws for free between 9 and 11 am this Sunday, October 28th
Simply look for the NHW information booth in the car park off Church Road and take the opportunity to speak to local Police, Volunteers In Policing and of course your local NHW group about how we can work together to reduce motor vehicle related offences.
Taigum Square

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