Women celebrating at the latest SHE session.
On Saturday March 23, Police Women from across North Brisbane took part in the latest SHE program.
SHE stands for See Me, Hear Me, Empower Me and is a program that aims to bridge the gap and build positive relationships between the Queensland Police Service and local communities.
This particular SHE session was celebrated with women from local Sudanese and South Sudanese communities.
Sharing cultural food was a highlight of the day.
Throughout the session, the women discussed the many differences that are experienced within their cultures and also identified many similarities.
Police also provided information about the role of police, healthy relationships, personal safety and even traffic tips.
This event was run partnership with the Sudanese and South Sudanese Assembly Support (SASSAS) group of North Brisbane.
In the coming weeks we will be running a HE session which will involve male officers and community members.