Smart homes technology to help stop DV

Recently, North Brisbane District Domestic Family Violence Liaison Officer, Sergeant Kerry McKay was invited to the University of Queensland (UQ) ‘Smart Homes Technology and Domestic and Family Violence’ session with first year Criminology Students.
The event was organised by Senior Lecturers, and also included invited guests who specialise in home security auditing for aggrieved persons and Senior Lecturers, School of Law faculty of Businesses, Economics and Law.
Sgt McKay with University of Queensland first year Criminology Students – discussing how smart technology can help stop DV
The concept of the event was to ask the students to consider positive and negative smart technology issues in relation to domestic violence matters for aggrieved and respondents.
The UQ Idea Hub team ran the session (who were awesome!) and students were also asked to consider how to use technology to improve safety for the aggrieved.
Some interesting concepts were:

When using smart tablets and googling key domestic violence words, that

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