Heads up, North Brisbane motorists! The speed limit on a busy section of Melton Road has been reduced to 50km/h from 60km/h.
Signs along Melton Road, specifically between Toombul Road in Northgate to Buckland Road in Nundah, have been installed informing of the speed limit changes, effected February 2023, so that all motorists can slow down and keep the roads safer.
Cr Adam Allan said that the change was adapted to keep the speed consistent and “suitable for the road and the surrounding usage,” especially following the completion of the Melton and Hows Roads.
Per Council, the said intersection is accessed by over 15,000 vehicles, 35 cylists and hundreds of pedestrians a day. Its volume has been projected to increase, especially during peak hours, by 2031. Thus, the new roundabout had to be built, alongside a new pedestrian crossing and shared paths. It has also prompted a need to change the speed limit.
“This will be consistent with the remaining southern section of Melton Road that is already 50km/h and remove confusion where the speed limit currently varies,” Mr Allan said.
“My request for this change was approved via the Speed Management Committee which is comprised of representatives from the State Department of Transport and Main Roads, the Queensland Police Service and the relevant local council.”