Stafford Police highlight the power of words for Under 8’s Week

This week Stafford Police were invited to attend many local Primary Schools within the division to help celebrate the Australian Early Childhood Association’s (AECA) Under Eights Week.
Every year local schools and early learning centres create a fun morning for the children with a variety of games and activities designed to engage students and local community.

This year’s theme is: ‘Children exploring language and culture’ which we thought was a great time to speak to the children about our favourite ‘tool’ of all – our words!
Undoubtedly the most frequently asked question of police by children is always related to our firearm which we all wear as part of our uniform.
The children were very surprised to learn that our ‘words’ are our most favourite tool of all to help resolve problems.
We certainly enjoyed visiting the children at all of our local schools and centres and we know that the children really enjoyed meeting

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