As domestic and family violence month has commenced, Stafford Police Officers were photographed outside Stafford Police Station beside our ‘Stop Violence’ corflute sign.
We hope is a sign of the times – and brings all community members on board with us to stop domestic violence.
Officers outside Stafford Police Station with the sign
The Queensland Government ‘do something’ campaign was launched to encourage community members to help make a difference and end domestic and family violence and Do Something.
We encourage community members to explore the new site and learn when to do something by understanding the differences between normal relationship conflict and how to do something, with practical advice on how to intervene safely if domestic violence is happening or about to happen.
If you are or know someone who may be experiencing domestic and family violence then we also encourage you to please contact DVConnect.
Womensline: 1800 811 811
Mensline: 1800 600 636
If you have information for police,