Stafford’s special visitor

On Tuesday May 7, Stafford Police Station had an extra special visitor – Rosie the Golden Retriever and Therapy Dog.
Rosie’s visit with the officers and staff was to offer comfort, compassion and support through pats and hugs.

As a therapy dog, Rosie has a calm and easy going manner and naturally seeks out pats and loves to receive treats from the officers too.
Rosie’s first visit to the Station brought out many bright smiles and laughter giving a positive boost to those officers heading back out on the road, keeping our streets safe.
Simply by petting Rosie, officers can experience a decreased level of stress hormones, regulation of breathing and even lower their blood pressure; all of which are positive benefits for Police Officers who deal with high stress situations on a daily basis.
As Rosie becomes a regular visitor to Stafford Station, officers and staff will continually benefit from these regular visits.
Rosie makes

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