Stolen property located, are you the rightful owner?

Lowood police are attempting to identify the owners of a number of jewellery items and an extensive coin collection.
Investigations have revealed that they may have been stolen from somewhere in South East Queensland, however police are unable to identify the rightful owner and are seeking your assistance.
These items were located along with a spear gun and a compound bow.
If you believe that you may be the owner of some or all of these items and are able to provide proof of ownership, please contact Policelink on 131 444 and quote police reference number QP1701886107.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.
You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via 24hrs per day.

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