On Saturday July 28, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the Sudanese community came together to have conversations about parents, children and families in the community and how the law impacts on family values.
The QPS and Zillmere Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) were recently awarded a grant from the Minister for Children Safety, Youth and Women to host two forums for the Indian and Sudanese Community, addressing Healthy relationships in their communities and ‘Connecting diverse women’.
At the forum, police spoke about domestic and family violence issues and drug and alcohol awareness.
PCYC representatives spoke about their ‘Braking the Cycle’ program which addresses young people attempting to get their 100 hours driving experience to obtain their license and attending the program at the PCYC to assist with making this happen.
The event was held at the Stafford Heights Baptist Church and approximately 50 community members attended. All of those who attended gave positive