Today August 20, is the official date for RSPCA Cup Cake Day, but on Thursday August 9, Stafford Police held Cupcake Day at Stafford Police Station.
We invited our community to join us to eat cupcakes for a donation, and we were not disappointed by all of the wonderful visitors who all made very generous donations.
Along with the community donations received on the day and Stafford Station Officers and Staff donations – so far we are up to $1,849.61 which is great but we would love to raise even more for the RSPCA if we can!
If you missed out on making a donation on Thursday, don’t fret you can still make a donation to the Stafford Police Station efforts, click here.
Our community cupcake stall was filled with sweet treats galore and we would like to send a big thank you to:
Best Friends Virginia;
Cheesecake Shop Stafford;
Cupcake Patisserie Chermside;
The Cupcake Taste Graceville;
Marche Du Macaron Gordon Park; and