A development application for demolition at former convent site in Wooloowin has been submitted by property developer Cedar Woods.
The application seeks to have several buildings at the site demolished to give way to the approved residential development at 60 Bridge Street, Wooloowin.

After acquiring a 3.81-hectare site from the Sisters of Mercy in late 2015, Cedar Woods has plans of building an integrated housing development on the site. The development is proposed to be delivered over a five-year period.
The approved proposal for 22 Morris and 60 Bridge Street, Woolloowin includes three mid-rise premium apartment buildings, 84 premium terrace homes, and the adaptation of the existing heritage buildings into residential and community uses.

The development will also feature a 4,000-square-metre park for the community with car and bicycle parking for visitors, a heritage trail that preserves the site’s cultural history, and cross-site links to improve connectivity for cyclists and pedestrians.

The developer now asks for the Council’s approval to demolish several buildings and sheds on the site, including two vacant brick residential aged care facilities.
Preserving Heritage Buildings
The demolition will be done mainly by hand to conserve the heritage buildings as the proposed demolition works will be close to the heritage-listed buildings, including the Holy Cross Laundry which dates to 1889.

The heritage-listed Holy Cross Convent, built in 1912, and the Holy Cross Laundry are set to be converted to residential uses as indicated in the masterplan of the development.
According to Cedar Woods chief operating officer Patrick Archer, the stage one release and construction, which includes 24 townhouses, is expected to commence in the first half of the 2019 financial year.
For more information on the proposed residential development, you may check the development application for 22 Morris and 60 Bridge Street, Woolloowin