The new Step Up/Step Down facility in Nundah is scheduled for completion in August 2017 under Woollam Constructions. The facility will provide short-term residential mental health services.
Nundah Prevention and Recovery Care Facility

Construction of this facility started in January 2017. Queensland Health chose the lot on 15 Union Street as the location of the project. Earlier this month, the Palaszczuk Government released $3.3 million budget out of the total $5 million proposed amount for the construction.
The plan is to build a three-storey residential care facility with 10-bed built sections for people in need of mental health services. This is in conjunction with the Step Up Step/Down Service.
What is Step Up/Step Down?

The adult Step Up/Step Down project started in South East Queensland and has now expanded to North Brisbane. It was based on the “Victorian Health Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC)” service model that was designed to provide services for people who are facing serious mental conditions and people who are in an early stage of recovery from an acute illness.
Model of Care
Admission to the rehabilitation home is voluntary for people 18-64 years of age. The facility can provide the following services:
Step Up – short-term residential support that aims to prevent deterioration or relapse for people who have tendencies of going to an acute mental health in-patient unit; and
Step Down – short intensive treatment and support in a residential setting for people who have recovered from an acute mental in-patient admission.
To be eligible for placement in the facility, consumers must be currently receiving active treatment from the Metro North Mental Health. The length of stay will vary depending on the consumer’s needs that will range from days to weeks (14 days average and 28 days maximum).

Other facilities in Brisbane are also scheduled to be completed. The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and The Prince Charles Hospital will soon have facilities for mental health services.
Read: New Adolescent Extended Treatment Facility to be Constructed in Chermside’s Prince Charles Hospital
For further info and details on how Queensland Government promote mental health services, visit the Queensland Health page.