Espresso Train and Coffee Club are two Nundah cafes that are both part of the Responsible Cafes movement, a group of coffee owners and coffee drinkers who aim to reduce or ideally eliminate the use of disposable coffee cups. Both cafes offer discounts to customers who bring their own cups with them when buying coffee or tea.
According to Responsible Cafes, Australians are wasting more than three billion takeaway coffee cups and lids yearly and most are never recycled. Hence, the people behind the movement are working hand in hand with the Brisbane City Council which, for its part, has unveiled its Reusable Cup Campaign in September 2017.
As part of the council’s campaign, it will provide 20 high-quality reusable “KeepCup” coffee cups to each of the 100 Brisbane cafes that accept the Business Recycling Challenge. These cups are to be given as a gift to loyal customers who regularly buy coffee in reusable cups. Such customers will also be given free coffee on their tenth visit.
Espresso Train Cafe and Catering

Participating in the Responsible Cafes movement is something that is expected from the staff at the Espresso Train Cafe. To begin with, the establishment’s mission is to provide meaningful employment for people with disability. It is also a not-for-profit registered charity which is not owned by any single person, but rather run by members of the cooperative.
Being conscientious about the environment is also something ingrained with the Espresso Train. The cafe is solar-powered and has been working on installing more panels so they can be energy-neutral by 2020.
Additionally, the cafe mindfully conserves water by not washing on the sink but rather filling buckets when rinsing. It recycles cardboard, hard plastic, and paper and has in fact been encouraging patrons to bring with them papers with prints on one side. Instead of throwing them away, they write orders on the unprinted side.
Another great thing about the cafe is that it has been implementing a system called “suspending coffees” since May 2013. This is a practice where anyone can purchase two serving of coffees with one held “in suspension” for the homeless and less fortunate to claim.
Espresso Train Cafe and Catering is located at 46 Station Street, Nundah, Brisbane
The Coffee Club Nundah

The Coffee Club Nundah is a member of The Coffee Club, Australia’s largest home-grown cafe group with approximately 400 stores in nine countries and an estimated 40 million customers.
Sustainability is also fully embedded in the establishment’s consciousness, as it supports sustainable farming where natural resources are protected, where coffee is grown responsibly and farmers are assured to generate income.
The Coffee Club Nundah is located at 179 Sandgate Rd, Nundah QLD 4012, Australia
If you are a cafe owner and interested to join the Responsible Cafes movement, you can register your business here.
For those who are in other suburbs, you can find a participating cafe in your area here.