A popular but dead pompom tree, marked for cutting down by the Brisbane CityCouncil, has been saved from removal on the beachside stretch of Shorncliffe Parade, thanks to an inspiring community spirit.
Despite its appearance, the tree has been a favourite local landmark during this COVID-19 lockdown. In the last few months, teens and kids have been hanging handmade colourful pompoms on the branches.
According to Councillor Jared Cassidy, the locals have likely been decorating the tree because it looked so bare and dull without its leaves. As the number of pompoms increased, the tiny tree soon became a whimsical decorative fixture on the street.

But a day after announcing that it will be gone in a few months, the Council took back its original plan and decided to leave the tree up with all of its handmade pompoms intact.
“We’ve taken another look at it and because there’s such great community spirit around this it will stay longer,” Mr Cassidy said. “There’s no threat to public safety and it won’t come down anytime soon.”

Mr Cassidy said that the pompom tree has been a silver lining amid the pandemic. Not only did it spark community spirit and love for life in the suburbs but it also brought out the creative side of the locals.
The councillor also said that there will be a new tree planted nearby at Moora park. Once it grows and matures, it will be the only time the dead tree will be chopped down.