The drama of docudrama in Shorncliffe

Recently, the students of St Patricks college were treated to an all emergency scenario as part of the RACQ docudrama series.
The presentation delivered to the year 12 boys as part of their ‘rite of passage’, involved the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) and a local funeral home joining us (the QPS) as we used role players to re-enact a deadly scenario for the boys.
The aim of this being re-enacted to the boys, was to educate them on the dangers of drinking and driving, speeding and putting other people’s lives at risk.
This Docudrama initiative, is part of a road safety program delivered to thousands of high school students across Queensland, each year with the support of the RACQ.
It is hoped that by taking part in the presentation, the students will receive a reality check before they get behind the wheel of the car.
Well done team! This fantastic joint effort is providing important

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