The science behind road safety: Distraction and Inattention

This week is Queensland Road Safety Week and together with Department of Transport and Main Roads, StreetSmarts, we’re committed to putting road safety first. In 2018, 245 people were killed on Queensland roads.
You’ve heard about the Fatal Five but did you know that one in every nine fatalities in 2018 were a result of distraction?

Mobile phones are a distraction in basically every part of our lives.
While they make our lives so much easier in so many ways, they can be deadly on our roads.
Using a mobile phone is a physical, visual, auditory and cognitive distraction. When you’re travelling at 60km/h, looking down at your phone for a mere two seconds can result in you travelling 33.33 metres without looking at the road. That’s 33.3 metres you have travelled blindly, unaware of your surroundings.
Keep distractions to a minimum so you can ensure safer roads for all road users.
The facts:

Driving while using

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