The science behind road safety: Drink and drug driving

This week is Queensland Road Safety Week and together with Department of Transport and Main Roads, StreetSmarts, we’re committed to putting road safety first. In 2018, 245 people were killed on Queensland roads.
Did you know that in 2018, 119 people were killed on Queensland roads as a result of drink or drug driving? That’s almost 50 per cent (48.6 per cent) of the total 2018 road toll.

A drink or two with a mate can be a recipe for a great time but if you plan to drink, you should always plan not to drive.
Alcohol causes blurred vision, a reduction in hearing, reduced attention span and a slowing down of reaction time.
All of these things are crucial to safely operating a motor vehicle.
Did you know? If you have a breath alcohol concentration level of just 0.15, you are 22 times more likely to become involved in a crash.
The facts:

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