Think U Know Craigslea?

On Wednesday August 21, officers from the Gateway Crime Prevention and Police Liaison Officers were invited to attend Craigslea State High School to deliver the Think U Know program to year eight students.
Think U Know is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth Bank, Microsoft and Datacom and delivered in partnership with all State and Territory Police and Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.
The cyber safety presentations sensitively cover a range of topics including sexting, cyber bullying, online child exploitation, online privacy, and importantly what to do when something goes wrong.
Presentations are aimed at parents, carers and teachers and young people from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
In today’s presentation, the year eight students  discussed the benefits of technology, how to keep themselves safe online and the importance of being respectful, along with questioning whether the information found online is reliable.
They also covered information around building skills to deal with challenges online, not giving

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