A team of detectives and specialist police continue to investigate the death of 26-year-old Ioli Hadjilyra.
The crime scene examination by forensic officers has been completed and police have conducted a thorough search of Kalinga Park and adjacent railway lines for any evidence.
An Investigation Centre has been established at Hendra Police Station with more than 40 detectives, intelligence and forensic officers investigating Ms Hadjilyra’s death after her body was located in Kalinga Park on Wednesday, August 4.
Detective Inspective Tim Trezise, Gateway Crime Group, North Brisbane District said police continued to appeal to the public for assistance.
“We continue to appeal for any sightings of Ms Hadjilyra in or around Eagle Junction or Toombul railway stations or Kalinga Park on Tuesday night (August 3) or Wednesday morning (August 4).”
Police have no information to suggest there is a risk to public safety and the community should feel free to go about their daily business