Update: Traffic related incident, projectile fired – Redbank Plains

Ipswich detectives investigating a traffic incident in which a projectile was fired into a car at Redbank Plains on October 29 have released details of a vehicle of interest.
A verbal altercation occurred around 3.15pm on Monday, October 29 between the drivers of two vehicles on Henty Drive, Redbank Plains.
Following the altercation one of the vehicles followed the other to nearby Jack Drive. The first vehicle pulled over and police will allege the second vehicle fired a projectile, hitting the tyre of the first car.
The offending vehicle then sped off.
Police have released CCTV vision of the Mazda 3, see below link.
No one was physically injured, and police investigations are continuing.
Police have been unable to locate this vehicle and are seeking assistance from the community to help locate the car. If you have seen this vehicle or know the whereabouts of this vehicle, please contact police.

https://d2haxmvzil2swt.cloudfront.net/uploads/2018/11/16/122647_road_rage_2.mp4 Download Video
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