Use of unmarked mobile speed cameras in Queensland

There has been some commentary surrounding the use of unmarked mobile speed cameras in Queensland today.
The use of unmarked mobile speed cameras is just one of a suite of measures employed by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) aimed at reducing the state’s road toll.
There are 18 unmarked mobile speed camera vehicles in use across Queensland.
During the 2016-17 financial year there were 106,741 notices issued by unmarked mobile speed cameras in Queensland and 163,176 notices issued by marked mobile speed cameras.
The QPS has no plan to phase out the use of unmarked mobile speed cameras.
Recent research (Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) – Cameron) has determined that the mixed use of both covert and overt mobile speed cameras would produce the best road safety outcomes due to the strong effect that covert cameras have on fatality crashes (as their unknown nature suppresses vehicle speeds across the network thus reducing crash severity)

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