Vehicle offences, Chermside

Gateway Crime Prevention Officers held their safe street visit at Burnie Brae Park, Kuran Street, Chermside on Wednesday, May 15 where they spoke to local residents regarding recent crimes happening in the area.
Local Neighbourhood Watch members also attended to meet local residents.

It was great to be able to meet some local residents and speak with them about crimes happening in their area and to provide them with a take home package of some useful tips on home and vehicle security.
Police would like to remind local residents to be vigilant with their home and vehicle security.
Don’t leave car or house keys, mobile phones, wallets and handbags in plain view inside your home.
Place them out of sight so offenders can’t easily locate them if you happen to get broken into.
The majority of vehicles stolen in the Chermside area, were taken from the carpark spaces of unit complexes. People continue to leave valuable

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