Vehicle security reminder, Fitzgibbon

Police are encouraging residents to ensure their vehicles are locked and secured, especially when parked in and around their home residence.
Between the hours of 5pm and midnight on Sunday September 1, there were seven unlawful entry of motor vehicle offences reported in Cambridge Crescent, Fitzgibbon.
All of these vehicles were left unlocked and it is highly likely that offenders were looking for keys to these vehicles to steal them, and subsequently commit further offences.
The following tips will help reduce the risk of vehicle theft:

If you have off street parking, use it.
If possible, park behind locked gates or in a locked garage.
Remove temptation – always lock doors and close windows when your vehicle is unattended.
Remove all valuables from your vehicle before leaving it unattended.
For maximum protection, an engine immobiliser that meets Australian Standards provides the most effective deterrent to opportunistic vehicle theft.

For more information on vehicle and bike security, click here.
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