Volunteers in Policing celebrated

VIP’s celebrated at National Volunteers Week Event
This week marked National Volunteers Week and Gateway Crime Prevention took the opportunity to celebrate their amazing group of volunteers.
North Brisbane District Volunteers in Policing (ViPs) were thanked at a special awards ceremony that was hosted at the Brisbane Water Police.
The VIP’s were presented with badges and Certificates of Appreciation by Assistant Commissioner Brian Wilkins.
Our Volunteers In Policing assist in a wide range of crime prevention duties and provide support to our victims of crime through follow up visits.
You may also see them walking the streets conducting letterbox drops and checking motor vehicle security helping to make the community safer.
VIP’s pulling up a chair at the Water Police.
The contribution made by our volunteers is invaluable and we hope they enjoyed their well deserved celebration today.
VIP’s checking out POLAIR who stopped by.

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