We’re Empowered in North Brisbane

We’re empowered.
On Saturday April 13, 23 officers from across Brisbane took part in We’re Empowered (WE), the latest community event aimed at bridging the gap and building positive relationships between the Queensland Police Service and local communities.
WE, was the final event in a three phase project which encompassed the Hear me and Empower me (HE) events, the See me, Hear me Empower me (SHE) event and the WE event.
The WE event was attended by over 100 men, women and children.

At the event their were information stalls by Neighbourhood Watch, Youth Advocacy Centre, SES, QFES, and QPS Crime Prevention.
But without a doubt the most popular activities of the day were the police uniform trials and of course the African music and dancing.
This program was held in partnership with the Sudanese and North Sudanese Assembly Support of North Brisbane (SASSAS).

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