What a hoot in Everton Park!

Police from Boondall Station were recently confronted with an unusual request for assistance whilst out on their routine patrols in Everton Park.
Travelling along Trouts Road, all appeared normal when officers came across a vehicle parked on the side of the road.
It was early in the morning and the vehicles owner and his furry friend were both standing outside the car and looking rather perplexed.
As the officers made their approach, they noticed a rather fowl passenger inside the vehicle.
The information given by the witness was that they were driving along Trouts Road, minding their own business, when the Tawny Frogmouth flew in through the open passenger side window.
The driver immediately pulled over and exited the vehicle with their furry friend, unsure of what to do.
After some initial light taps and attempts to question the feathered offender, the bird was released from its self-inflicted captivity and in a daze, flew away.
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