Who is Queensland Police Pipes and Drums biggest fan?

Queensland Police Pipes and Drums biggest fan, Tim!
Tim Maloney from the Gap, of course!
Tim is a great fan of the Queensland Police Pipes and Drums (QPP&D) and has managed to see them perform on a few occasions.
Some years ago his mum, Colleen, ordered him a copy of the pipes and drums CD and it has completely worn out from being overplayed.
Colleen reached out to the QPP&D this month to purchase a new one, and boy, did the band deliver!
Despite the CD no longer being available, there were still a couple in the library, so a new CD and a couple of other goodies were packaged up and delivered in time for Tim’s birthday on Wednesday.
It was a fantastic birthday surprise for the band’s biggest fan!
Colleen said that Tim was so excited to receive the parcel and will have many enjoyable hours listening to his CD.
“Thank you very much for making

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