World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

The QPS is committed to serve and protect all members of our community no matter their age, cultural background or gender identity.
Older people in our community are particularly vulnerable to abuse which unfortunately the QPS see regularly.
Did you know that Saturday June 15, is World Abuse Awareness Day?
Elder abuse is an act, either single or repeated, which occurs in any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an elderly person. This can be physical, financial, sexual, social, psychological or through neglect.
Elder abuse does not discriminate. Victims of elder abuse can be women or men from ethnic and social backgrounds.
Sadly in 2017-2018, the highest proportion of perpetrators of elder abuse according to calls received by the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit, were the sons and daughters of the older person suffering the abuse.
In many cases elder abuse is not reported for fear of retaliation from the

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