Safe Schoolies 2017 presentation.
It’s your last chance to book in for the North Brisbane District ‘Safe Schoolies 2018’ presentation being held this week.
Parents and carers are invited to come and meet with a number of guest speakers who will be providing information about what their children can expect to encounter during schoolies celebrations.
Don’t forget you can bring along your year 11 or 12 student too!
When: 7pm Wednesday, October 17
Where: Sky Lounge at Kedron-Wavell RSL, Kittyhawk Drive Chermside.
This event is free and light refreshments will be provided.
Guest speakers will be available to answer any questions you may have, and they will provide tips which are aimed at starting conversations between parents and their teenagers.
Guest speakers include:
QPS Tactical Crime Squad and Crime Prevention Unit;
QLD Govt. Safer Schoolies Initiative;
Red Frogs; and
Office of Fair Trading.
Please book by Tuesday October 16 by emailing or by leaving a message at (07) 3364 3426 .
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