Growing Precincts Together: Banyo Precinct

Have you heard about the Growing Precincts Together Program? This Council initiative aims to provide hands-on support to shopping precincts, such as the Banyo precinct, to help businesses attract more visitors.

Each year, local businesses in key shopping centres get help promoting and activating their precincts, making their place an attractive destination for shoppers.

Among other objectives, the Growing Precincts Together program aims to help build a sense of community within the precinct as well as increase opportunities for local businesses to connect and collaborate. The program will also help businesses in the area develop a common language about their precinct, including the identity of the location and what is on offer.

The program will also support local businesses, increase the number of events, activities and promotions in their area as well as help attract new visitors and encourage visitors to stay longer and return for more shopping opportunities.

The program involves:

  • business/vacancy assessments
  • a survey to gather feedback and ideas about the precinct
  • a precinct launch event
  • precinct connection opportunities
  • hands-on support from Council to Promote, Support, Refresh and Activate the precinct
  • regular e-newsletter updates to businesses.

Businesses, workers and customers were invited to participate in a survey last September, to help Council collect feedback about the precinct and the things that they value most about the location.

Later, there will be an opportunity to hear from Council’s Economic Growth and Activation Team about the Council’s analysis of the precinct and the survey feedback via a launch event for the program.

BCC will then work with the Banyo retail precinct to implement initiatives falling under the Promote, Support, Refresh, and Activate. The strategy will include an opportunity to take advantage of a range of free one-on-one business support programs aimed at helping businesses attract new visitors to the precinct. 

Similar initiatives were also launched for Rosalie Village and Racecourse Road. For more about the program or feedback about the Banyo retail precinct, please feel free to email the Council’s Economic Growth and Activation team or contact the Council’s business hotline at 133 BNE (133 263). 

Published 5-October-2023