Growing Precincts Together: Banyo Precinct

Have you heard about the Growing Precincts Together Program? This Council initiative aims to provide hands-on support to shopping precincts, such as the Banyo precinct, to help businesses attract more visitors.

Each year, local businesses in key shopping centres get help promoting and activating their precincts, making their place an attractive destination for shoppers.

Among other objectives, the Growing Precincts Together program aims to help build a sense of community within the precinct as well as increase opportunities for local businesses to connect and collaborate. The program will also help businesses in the area develop a common language about their precinct, including the identity of the location and what is on offer.

The program will also support local businesses, increase the number of events, activities and promotions in their area as well as help attract new visitors and encourage visitors to stay longer and return for more shopping opportunities.

The program involves:

  • business/vacancy assessments
  • a survey to gather feedback and ideas about the precinct
  • a precinct launch event
  • precinct connection opportunities
  • hands-on support from Council to Promote, Support, Refresh and Activate the precinct
  • regular e-newsletter updates to businesses.

Businesses, workers and customers were invited to participate in a survey last September, to help Council collect feedback about the precinct and the things that they value most about the location.

Later, there will be an opportunity to hear from Council’s Economic Growth and Activation Team about the Council’s analysis of the precinct and the survey feedback via a launch event for the program.

BCC will then work with the Banyo retail precinct to implement initiatives falling under the Promote, Support, Refresh, and Activate. The strategy will include an opportunity to take advantage of a range of free one-on-one business support programs aimed at helping businesses attract new visitors to the precinct. 

Similar initiatives were also launched for Rosalie Village and Racecourse Road. For more about the program or feedback about the Banyo retail precinct, please feel free to email the Council’s Economic Growth and Activation team or contact the Council’s business hotline at 133 BNE (133 263). 

Published 5-October-2023

Banyo Selected for ‘Growing Precincts Together’ Initiative

In an exciting development for the Banyo Village business community, Banyo has been selected as one of two suburban precincts to participate in the ‘Growing Precincts Together’ Program. This Council-led initiative aims to invigorate local retail precincts and foster a sense of community within them. 

Following the success of a similar initiative in Nundah and recognising the pivotal role that local retail precincts play in our communities, the Growing Precincts Together program aims to provide comprehensive support to businesses, empowering them to promote their precinct as a vibrant and attractive destination.

By establishing a partnership between Brisbane City Council and local businesses, the program works towards realising a shared vision for the precinct.

Facilitated by the Council’s Economic Growth team, the program does not follow a rigid structure but instead tailors assistance and support based on the specific needs and priorities of each precinct. The support provided can range from one-on-one business coaching to specialised training in digital marketing and visual merchandising. Additionally, shopfront makeovers and specialised food business coaching are offered to enhance the overall appeal and functionality of the precinct.

“Local retail precincts are the heart of our communities. Through the Growing Precincts Together program, Council provides hands-on support to key shopping precincts to help tenants and owners of businesses to promote the precinct as a vibrant and attractive destination. The program develops a partnership between Council and local businesses to achieve the vision for the precinct,”

Councillor Adam Allan

The Growing Precincts Together program unfolds in three stages. It commences with the “understanding phase,” which involves a comprehensive business audit conducted by the Council’s Economic Development team. This audit helps stakeholders gain a deeper understanding of the existing business and vacancy mix within the precinct.

The second stage, the “engage phase,” begins with a kick-off event where the precinct analysis, survey findings, and inspirational ideas are presented. Attendees have the opportunity to network with other business owners, ask questions, and interact with Council officers.

Finally, the third stage introduces the “precinct playbook,” a framework that outlines the opportunities available for businesses to activate, beautify, and connect their local centre.

Situated around St Vincent’s Rd and Royal Parade, Banyo precinct is divided by a train line and station. With approximately 60 businesses and stakeholders in the area, mainly comprising cafes and restaurants, the precinct currently experiences a vacancy rate of 6.5 per cent. The program seeks to cultivate a harmonious working relationship among these businesses to ensure the continued success and prosperity of the precinct.

Published 4-June-2023